Binary Star Database

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The Binary Star Database

Binary star DataBase (BDB) is the database of binary/multiple systems of various observational types. BDB contains data on physical and positional parameters of 260,000 components of 120,000 stellar systems of multiplicity 2 to more than 20, taken from a large variety of published catalogues and databases.

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BDB Publications


If BDB was helpful for your research work, the following acknowledgement would be appreciated: "This research has made use of the Binary Star Database BDB (Kovaleva et al, 2015), available from Institute of Astronomy (Russian Academy of Sciences)"

The correct current reference to BDB is: "Binary star DataBase BDB development: structure, algorithms, and VO standards implementation. 2015, Kovaleva D., Kaygorodov P., Malkov O., Debray B., Oblak E., Astronomy and Computing, 11, Part B, 119". The PDF is available here.

Contact address: Oleg Malkov
Updated: 2024 Jul 31

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